Conditions of production
Do you know where your cleanroom products come from and under what conditions they are produced? COLANDIS will tell you:
Cleanroom products are not always produced under appropriate environmental conditions.
COLANDIS is different. We focus on cleanliness throughout the entire production process.
Even at the project planning and design stage, everything is designed to ensure the cleanliness of your process environment. Design and material selection play an important role in this.
At the start of production, we begin with extensive cleaning of all individual parts and assemblies. These are not only wiped but also thoroughly cleaned. In addition, the cleaning and assembling of these parts and assemblies takes place under clean conditions. So our production environment has:
- a range of air cleanliness class ISO 7 (550 m² in total)
- a sub-area with air cleanliness class ISO 5 (35 m²)
- a sub-area with air cleanliness class ISO 1 (20 m²) for cleanroom and cleanliness suitability tests
COLANDIS has also a precision mechanics workshop. This enables us to respond secifically to customer wishes and thus adapt products to the wishes and ideas of our customers.
Due to the requirements of our customers in the semiconductor industry, we produce all our products without silicone compounds.
Our cleaning laboratory was also enlarged and rebuilt and now offers additional space to clean individual parts, assemblies and products. It has 70 m² in total and it offers an 45 m² area of ISO class 7 and a further 25 m² of ISO class 5. Furthermore there is the possibility of CO2-cleaning.
The finished product is tested internally after completion before it is delivered. For example, each Fan-Filter-Module is checked for leakage, even though we have a leak test protocol from the manufacturer.
This is how we ensure that your product is of highest quality.
ISO certification
We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001-2015. Within the scope of the inspection, we proved that the application complies with the rules and thus received the certificate for the area of application „Development, production, cleaning, rental, distribution and acceptance of cleanroom products, cleanroom and cleanliness technology and measuring services“.
We document and maintain information to the necessary extend to support and efficiently design our processes.
Conflict minerals
As a medium-sized company, we offer product solutions that ensure the sustainable success of our customers. In accordance with the corporate policy of our company, we place the highest value on social and ecological aspects such as the protection of human rights, the fight against corruption and environmental protection.
Conflict minerals
The extraction of certain raw materials in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and neighbouring states contributes in part to considerable human rights violations and to the financing of violent conflicts in this region. The United States Congress adopted the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the implementing provisions of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) require companies subject to SEC supervision to report whether the products they produce or have contracted to produce contain "conflict minerals" that are "necessary for the functionality or production" of those products. The Dodd-Frank Act and the SEC define "conflict minerals" as tantalum, tin, tungsten (and the ores from which they are extracted) and gold, regardless of where they are procured, processed or sold.
COLANDIS GmbH therefore has no legal obligation to comply with the conflict minerals requirements of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act. At the same time, we recognize that the SEC regulations for Section 1502 require our suppliers to perform due diligence checks within their global supply chains. We will review this before approving a new supplier.
COLANDIS GmbH does not intend to purchase any material that contains "conflict minerals" that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the DRC or neighbouring states. We ask questions in order to understand where our products contain "conflict minerals" and to determine the source and origin in our supply chain. We contact our direct suppliers to increase transparency about the products they supply.
Health mangement
„Mens sana in corpore sano“ is a Latin idiom and means as much as "a healthy mind in a healthy body". We take this idiom to heart and support our colleagues in a healthy and stress-free lifestyle.
Flexible working time model
In order to better combine family and career, we support our colleagues with various working time models. This enables colleagues to take advantage of reduced working time models at their own request and work part-time. There is also the option of working in a homeoffice so that private appointments can be combined with day-to-day work. Two of our employees currently work most of the time from home, as their main place of residence is 200 or 400 km away from their place of work.
Healthy nutrition
Within the scope of the tax possibilities, we offer our employees a daily lunch, which we obtain from a nearby canteen. Here our colleagues are offered freshly prepared, varied and seasonal dishes.
We also offer our colleagues a large plate of fresh fruit every day. The vitamin kick is frequently used. From time to time a repeated filling is necessary.
In addition, our colleagues have access to purified drinking water and coffee consumption is subsidised by the company.
The workplace design
In order to prevent back pain, our company has height-adjustable workstations that can be adapted to the height of the individual colleague and also allow standing work. Noise barriers for noise reduction as well as pictures and office furnishings based on Feng Shui also serve to enhance well-being at the workplace. Comfortable seating groups inside and outside the building serve to temporarily switch off and take a short break from everyday working life.
Sport activities
Several times a week a trainer paid by COLANDIS GmbH comes to the company to train together with the colleagues to stimulate muscle groups, which are mostly strained by the one-sided activity and to release tensions. More than 60% of colleagues regularly take advantage of this offer.
Twice a year, hiking days are organised to discover nature together or to broaden one’s horizons (e.g. as part of a visit to a museum).
We also support the sporting route to work. For example, some colleagues are already using the possibility of salary conversion when buying a new bicycle.
And in order to loosen the strained muscles, due to sporting activity or due to tension, a masseuse comes in-house at regular intervals. The colleagues can allow themselves thus a small time-out and have besides no pressure of time, in order to be able to notice such dates outside the working time.
Further ideas
In order to find further interesting approaches to such health-promoting services, we founded a Feelgood group, which meets at regular intervals to discuss new ideas and organize events. For example, another hiking day and a health day are currently being organised.
In 2017, we were awarded the "Thüringer Siegel für gesunde Arbeit" (Thuringian seal of approval for healthy work) for the first time in recognition of our employees' numerous activities in the area of preventive health care.