Fan-Filter-Modules (FFU)
Fan-filter-Modules and clean air modules are used to supply clean air. This can be a large cleanroom, a minienvironment, a workplace or a clean/...
‘’Black labour‘’ – at first it sounds like tax evasion and informal work. But it is essential for your business. Of course, we mean measuring tasks in dark cleanrooms! Because in many applications, cleanrooms must not only be contamination-free, but also dark. In this blog post, you can learn which technical tool will support you in this in a simple and ingenious way.
In many technology processes, such as laser testing or optical testing, the measuring room must be completely darkened in addition to being particle-free. The processes in the darkened cleanroom are carried out using clearly defined light sources in order to achieve the best possible measurement results. It is therefore important to exclude stray light and reflections on surfaces.
During quality inspection in optical production, the optical components are inspected in oblique light. It is essential to avoid interfering light during the measurement.
The highly sensitive space technology star sensors must also be tested in optimum darkness and particle-free conditions.
These were just two examples of processes in which the measuring environment is highly relevant. In order to ensure an ideal measuring environment, the light within the measuring room must correspond to defined parameters. Applications based on this principle can be found in almost every technology sector. Dark cleanrooms with low-reflection black surfaces are therefore a standard in the use of measuring rooms. However, there are still some weak points, the elimination of which will lead to even better measurement results in the future.
HEPA filters are white and it is not very likely that this will ever change. The quantities that could be produced from a newly developed filter medium in a different colour would simply be too small.
Most measurement processes are carried out as close as possible to the filter, as this is where the cleanest conditions prevail. However, the white filter medium, triggered by scattered light, generates a critical brightness level that can disrupt the measuring/ testing process. All previous technical solutions to this problem have come with disadvantages such as higher pressure loss, a complex duct system, poor energy efficiency and higher service costs.
The alternative is therefore a completely black fan-filter-module (FFU), which also has a black filter. By using a black laminarisator and handle protection, a reduction in reflection of more than 90% can be achieved compared to a fan-filter-module (FFU) with a white laminarisator and handle protection. As a leading company in purity technology, COLANDIS now has precisely this patented solution in its product range.
The legally protected registered design has a black frame and handle protection. The filter medium is covered by black laminariser fabric. The powerful fan-filter-module with Green-Tech EC technology is particularly flat at 200 millimetres. We offer this solution in various equipment variants and sizes as well as a complete cleanroom, minienvironment or workstation with black walls, ceilings and the necessary ventilation technology. With COLANDIS solutions, you will achieve measurable success. Discover more details in our data sheet – download now!
You can find out more about this development and the problems it solves in our whitepaper ‘’Black labour‘ as a cleanliness solution for optics manufacturing and laser production’.
Fan-filter-Modules and clean air modules are used to supply clean air. This can be a large cleanroom, a minienvironment, a workplace or a clean/...
For some years, the term ‘grey room’ has been used in customer discussions and specialist articles. But how exactly is a ‘grey room’ defined? And how...
Different customer requirements demand different cleanliness solutions. The most important solutions in cleanroom technology are therefore described...